Simple water bottle for dogs!
A simple but practical water bottle for dogs that is perfect to take on dog walks, especially during the warm months of the year. It's no secret that dogs should drink often. All dog owners who have been in the match for a long time know how important this is, and those who have not been in the match for as long may not think about it. But even a short walk in the heat can require your dog to drink fluids. A common way is to simply bring a large water bottle and a bowl to pour the water in. But why bother with it unnecessarily?
This water bottle for dogs is just one of many in our range. It is a simpler version that is filled with water and when it is time for the doggy to drink, you just press the bottle, which causes the water to seep into the cup. You keep pressing to keep the water in the cup, and once it's finished drinking, release the pressure on the bottle and it trickles back into the bottle. Simple, flexible and practical.
The bottle is sent out in a random color and cannot be selected.