Bernese Mountain Dog

A Passionate Hunter With A Kind Heart

Originally bred in Switzerland to hunt game over various terrains, the Bernese Mountain Dog combines strong hunting instincts with a friendly and loyal nature that makes it an excellent hunting companion and family dog.


The Bernese Mountain Dog, also known as the Berner Laufhund, is a medium-sized dog breed that originated in Switzerland. They have historically been used as hunting dogs, especially for hunting hare and deer.

Traits and Temperament

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their strong hunting instinct, excellent nose and ability to track game over varied terrain. Despite their strong hunting instinct, they also have a friendly and loyal nature and are known to be good with children. Bernese Mountain Dogs have a high energy level and require regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy.


A typical Bernese Mountain Dog is between 42 and 50 cm tall at the withers and weighs between 15 and 20 kg.

Appearance and Coat

Bernese Mountain Dogs have a slender body and a robust head with dark eyes and drooping ears. Their fur is short and shiny, usually in black, white and rust colors.

How much fur does a Bernese Mountain Dog shed?

Bernese Mountain Dogs are moderate shedders. It is recommended to brush their coat regularly to reduce shedding and keep the coat in good condition.

Are Bernese Mountain Dogs family friendly?

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known to be good with children and they have a friendly and loyal nature that makes them a good family dog. However, as with all dog breeds, interactions between children and dogs should always be supervised.

How much exercise does a Bernese Mountain Dog require?

As an active hunting breed, Bernese Mountain Dogs require a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. Long walks, runs, and playtime can help fulfill this breed's exercise needs.

Acquiring a Bernese Mountain Dog

To acquire a Bernese Mountain Dog, one should start by contacting a reputable breeder or rescue organization. It is important to understand that as a hunting breed, Bernese Mountain Dogs may require more training and exercise than other breeds, and it is important to consider whether this is a good fit for your lifestyle.